In This Numbers Game There Are No Winners
It was March 29, 2020 when I first began pulling the numbers. My first three days I only charted cases and deaths. On March 29, we officially had 141,781 cases of COVID, and 2,471 deaths. For something that had been casually written off by the Apricot A-hole a month earlier — “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done” — COVID was making dramatic strides.
A week after I started, I began adding the cases per million and deaths per million to the information I pulled. That put us at 1,444 cases per million and 54 deaths per million. At the time, I felt if I shared the numbers in such a way, people would have a better feel as the COVID noose was beginning to tighten.
And tighten it did. (Multiply that photo by 2 as those sheets are covered front and back.)
By the end of April we had jumped to 193 deaths per million citizens. That meant 63,856 people had died. I then began trying to transfer what that meant into pictures to better illustrate for a complacent, willfully ignorant populace what that looked like. I used full sports stadiums. It took less than a month to burn through what we have to offer in this country and I had to move onto the behemoth sports stadiums found in countries around the globe.
Fast forward to today, we need 4 1/2 May Day stadiums to hold our COVID dead. 2,048 of every million citizens has died from the hoax conspiracy China virus pandemic.
2,048 of every million. You would think in this numbers game that would get the attention of even the dullardliest of the dullards. No such luck. They continue to eschew the science, laugh at the stats, and get their medical advice from Qaren’s latest Facebook update. Their latest attempts to thwart the virus they don’t think is real? Ivermectin? Puh-leez, that is so last week. Catch up, gentle reader. They have moved on to gargling and snorting Betadine — yes, that’s right, if iodine scrub is good enough to clean a wound on the outside, it must be good enough to wash out the nasal passages and throats of the I’ll-ingest-anything-but-I-won’t-get-the-free-vaccine-now-administered-BILLIONS-OF-TIMES. (Note — yes, Betadine does make a diluted mouthwash/gargle for minor sore throat/mouth sore issues, but these brain trusts are heading to the scrub portion of the first aid aisle, enough so that the makers of Betadine released a statement warning people off.)
I am at the point now where I just laugh at their newest brain sponge storms. Go ahead, put a schmear of horse paste on your bagels, and women, slather it on your tampons (yes, they are sharing that tip in Facebook groups). And clear out the bad taste with a big gargle of Iodine. Add some to your Afrin bottle, too, and take a big snort. Those hoaxy COVID germs love to hide in your finger caves.
What I don’t laugh at is how they deny science right up to the point they need it, running to the ERs when their lungs won’t work, when their intestines have practically slid out, or when their kidneys begin to shut down from their homemade medicine. It’s amazing how Docdurrr Homer Buttfuck begs science to save him when his lips have turned blue. And the doctors he mocked and threatened just days earlier step up to try. Not that Homer deserves the ICU bed or the ventilator or the round the clock care. (I will say he does deserve to be naked, face down, with tubes in every hole he owns.)
Last night a new number entered the game. As MAGAts, low iQanoners, hoaxers, and antimaskers of all ilk were getting their asses handed to them via their California recall attempt, new stats emerged. And I am just naïve enough to think maybe, just maybe, this one may catch their eyes.
1 in 500.
That’s right. We have now lost 1 in every 500 citizens in this country to COVID-19. And that is based on the reported numbers, numbers that every expert says is woefully low and inaccurate. If you based the number on what has been reported by states and added in the excess deaths we have charted since the beginning of the pandemic, it is more in the range of 1 in 333.
Feeling that noose a little tighter now? Makes a mask seem positively loosey-goosey, huh?
OK, yes, I am making fun of them. But the reality is this is deadly serious, just as it has been from the very beginning. Sadly, from the very beginning we were saddled with a morally repugnant, proudly stupid gasbag instead of a President. Trump made it political. His lackeys made it political. They thought they could game a virus — make it a blue state vs red state thing — all of them too ignorant to understand the common cold let alone a global pandemic. So they played to their equally dim crowd. Told them it was no big deal, that it would “disappear one day like a miracle.”
On May 8, 2020 he told them, “This is going to go away without a vaccine. It is going to go away. We are not going to see it again.” This is why we saw crowds of people on Memorial Day weekend — why not? He said it was going to go away. Vaccine shmaxxine!
Voting him out was as much a repudiation of him as the horrific human he has always been as it was an act of survival by 81 million people who understood we needed adults at the wheel of this country and in charge of the pandemic response. We could not afford to continue on with an administration who thought that if we just stopped testing there would be no more virus. So we voted and we won. But…
The problem was, and is, that the cry babies who got shown the door continue to get TV time, and the idiot hordes that support them continue to mock the efforts, the vaccines, the pleas of scientists and doctors, even ignoring the deathbed come-to-Jesus-vaccine epiphanies their relatives, clergy, talk radio blowhards have as they take their final assisted breaths.
So here we sit. Still mired in a pandemic despite having vaccines readily and freely available. Still accosted by juvenile anti-maskers in stores and school board meetings. Still suffering under red state governors whose only game is the long one they are playing that they hope ends in the Oval office.
In the past 24 hours, we have added 152,483 cases. We have lost an additional 2,123 people. We account for 19% of the global increase since yesterday morning. And 1 in every 500 of our neighbors is dead.
1 in 500. If this were Vegas, those are great odds at the sportsbook. But this is no game. And the winners? Well, there are no winners. Just a nation of rapidly dwindling losers.