Now Do You Get It?
It was not unexpected. If anything, it had all been telegraphed by the protracted delay in their ruling. A delay that was purposed to continually kick the can down the road in terms of any judicial accountability for Herr Trump. With judges pockmarked throughout our system from lower courts to the Supreme, all adherents of the Christofascist march towards an America we no longer recognize, Trump is now positioned to reign, not preside, over this country should he be allowed back into office.
Led by John Roberts — whose legacy will forever be the buttfucking of the US Constitution and the complete corruption of this nation’s highest court — the decision has opened the door wide to immunity for any and all actions taken by the Oval occupant by merely stating they are within his/her constitutional duties. Think that is not dangerous? Add to it this portion that grants immunity “from criminal prosecution for a President’s acts within the outer perimeter of his official responsibility”. So a completely heinous, dictatorial act — like targeted murder, imprisoning political rivals — could be completely fine if it can be warped to pertain even just a small amount to his/her official status.
So basically, Watergate just became cool. No big. Because if you think Nixon would have ever resigned with this type of backing? Well, I want what you’re smoking.
This past week has seen this despicable, bought out, bribed out, blatant agenda wiedling court dismantle environmental protections, outlaw homelessness, and strip powers away from bodies meant to provide governmental guardrails, and now provide cover for a criminal desperately trying to re-enter office to keep from entering a jail cell.
This is not what the founders of this country envisioned. They ran from a King. They knew firsthand the perils of unchecked power. The blood that runs, the bodies that disappear, the rights that become nonexistent. Hell, look at what happens to opposition leaders in Russia in 2024. (Although I’ll be honest, the past 24 hours make me wistful for open windows on high floors, and a wish that Trump liked bad tea.)
I warned days ago to stop the pathetic handwringing and pearl clutching over a single debate. To open your eyes and stay the course. To VOTE like your life depends on it.
Now do you get it?
How many more degrees hotter does the pot have to get for this nation of frogs to realize we are being boiled? Rights have already been stripped from women. State after state has implemented laws taking medical decision making away from parents and doctors. School library shelves have been stripped of classic, important literature and books aimed at helping young people feel whole, seen, understood. States are cramming the Bible and Ten Commandments into their public school curriculums.
He is not back in office, but his minions are hard at work implementing Project 2025, which will become their entire playbook should he return.
Abortions? GONE. Period. No exceptions. Mailing of abortion pills will be a targeted crime. Doctors and nurses will no longer be able to even learn how to perform the procedure. They literally endorse the rhythm method for family planning in this 900 page manifesto. THE RHYTHM METHOD. Can I get a show of hands of who out there is a rhythm baby? I’ll start.
Think they will protect your gay child? Your trans cousin? Your bi partner? Ha. To quote, “the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights” — all terms that are getting cut “out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.”
Erasure. There are no protections or rights if you don’t exist.
Climate? What climate? These dullards don’t understand 8th grade science yet Project 2025 would incentivize citizens to come after scientists under the False Claims Act for research misconduct. At the same time they will be getting rid of Domestic Climate Policy, Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon, Clean Energy Demonstration, The Clean Energy Corps, Environmental Justice & External Civil Rights, and on and on.
Department of Education? Gone. Project 2025 calls it “a convenient one-stop shop for the woke education cartel.“ Sesame Street? Bye, public funding. Healthcare? “In essence, our deficit problem is a Medicare and Medicaid problem.” Poof. Have all those babies and good luck feeding them and keeping them alive.
The 900 pages are staggering in what their plans are to completely strip away what makes this country function, how we are actually protected by many checks and balances built into food safety regulation (they see no need for this, specifically mentioning BABY FORMULA), banking regulations (hand that back to the banks to regulate themselves and take care of us). They will weaponize the DOJ allowing for the wholesale roundup of any and all who criticize the leader. Think Trump is spiteful and vengeful now? He is telling you what he will do. Every campaign stop, HE IS SAYING IT OUT LOUD.
And on and on the 900 pages go.
I see a lot of people calling for protests and marches. That’s all well and good. But the only place where the axiom “there’s power in numbers” truly applies at this point is the ballot box. And as for marching and protesting? Think about that in the context of another round of Trump. He wanted to have his masked up goons shoot protesters in DC. This SC ruling will now allow that to happen, because it will fall under his “constitutional” allowances. Some mealy mouthed bullshit about “protecting the greater good” and blood will flow in the streets.
That is not hyperbolic.
If this ruling had been in place the day after the 2020 election, he would have pulled off his coup. He would not have left office. His helpers, like Barr who was actually afraid of prosecution in the face of things Trump was asking him to do and said No, would have been free to obstruct, use fake electors, stay in place.
Much has been said in the past 24 hours about what President Biden could do in light of this Supreme pile of garbage. Suspend all elections till all Trump trial are over! Arrest Trump! Have Trump executed as an enemy of the state! Sure, why not? Well, I’ll tell you why. As much fun as it can be to watch Biden put on his sunglasses and embrace the whole Dark Brandon meme, he is not a sociopath. He is not a psychopath. He is a decent human being. And decent human beings don’t do things like Trump does, they don’t say things like Trump does.
I know people have their concerns about Israel and Gaza and our government, but you have to have concerns about this country’s future, too. You can do both at the same time. And you can insure that the administration that you have an actual chance of influencing stays in office. Because if you think Trump gives shit one about a dead baby in Gaza? You have not been paying attention and your willful ignorance will cost us all.
Trump is what he has always been. A self-aggrandizing, power hungry, mobbed up, cheating, Epstein enabling, adultering, failed businessman, adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, and pathological liar. And one whose mental faculties are failing more and more with each opening of his maw.
You unleash that back into the Oval Office? The United States of America; that grand experiment started so long ago with “We the people…” will be over.
Now do you get it?