#TRUMPKNEW: We Were All Left To Die

Linda Sharp
8 min readSep 9, 2020


When it comes to politics, there is one truly immutable piece of canon: there are no lasting secrets. You would think that those who play the game would understand this rule by now. No matter what you think is private, off the record, just between friends, or done under cover of darkness — it all comes out eventually.

Whatever “it” happens to be.

Island hopping with a cute girl on your lap? Paging Gary Hart. O-face just outside the O-val? Bill Clinton, they’re playing your song. Secret love child? See John Edwards. Your alter ego is known as Lady G? Lindsay Graham, your table is ready. Sacrifice 330 million people? Donald J. Trump, pick up the white courtesy phone, please.

The horrendous fallout of the botched response to the COVID pandemic has been one for the history books. 194,629 dead, that we know of, since the end of February. PPE still in short supply in hospitals, teachers having to supply their own in schools, no nationwide mask mandate, and testing still a study in frustration depending on where you live.

As the months have rolled on, we have learned much about this despicable administrasham’s approach to the coronavirus in the early days. Most notably, that administraSONinlaw and wax figurine, Jared, purposely ignored it, thinking it was only going to decimate blue states, thus making for great election optics for the Tangerine Titanic. So much time was lost. So many lies were told — still waiting on that incredible Google app they touted in the beginning…

We have seen the results of an ignorant leader who refused to don a mask for months, thus telegraphing to his hordes of cultists that they should not worry with wearing them either. Misinformation was left to run rampant, daily press briefings were not for the public’s health benefit, but for the masturbatory gratification of a man who loves being in front of a camera. Actual experts were pushed aside completely so he could wax crapsodic about hydroxychloroquine, bleach smoothies, and light enemas.

As a result, COVID spread fast and furious, and more people died. We are still losing over 1,000 citizens per day. Contrast that with the 4 lost in Benghazi and the hue and cry that is still ongoing from conservatives. This is now 48,657 Benghazis. 65 9/11s. Yet somehow lives keep slipping into the graves and the level of GOP concern can be measured with a teaspoon. They are more invested in absolving Trump and rewriting the narrative than in holding him accountable.

But certainly, after this morning’s revelations surely there will be some comeuppance? I mean besides Susan Collins expressing concern and disappointment…

Legendary journalist Bob Woodward’s newest book will not be released until September 15th, but as usual, snippets, quotes, and in this case, recordings are being made available in the run up.

Recordings, you ask? Yes, lordy, there are TAPES.

And on them, Trump is heard telling Woodward that he knew how bad COVID was from the very beginning. Not a hoax. Not just the flu. Not going away like a miracle. None of the tepid, not-to-worry bullshit he fed the nation, is still feeding the nation.

This is President Trump on tape, on February 7, saying that the coronavirus is “more deadly than your — you know, your, even your strenuous flus.” But he minimized the threat in public. On February 26, he told the public “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.” pic.twitter.com/TOHTpqYtvZ

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 9, 2020

Let this sink in. That tape is from February 7. FEBRUARY 7. He knew how dangerous, how deadly, how easily transmissible. Yet the public was left in the dark.

Do you get that, MAGAts? The public is not just blue states. It’s you, too, wherever you live. He knew and literally left every single one of us to die. Not a care in the world. Not a plan for our safety and survival. Just platitudes and LIES every single time he stepped to a microphone. 6,529,429 cases to date — remember when he said “I take no responsibility.”?

Your precious hero, your second coming of Christ, sacrificed this entire country. Every man, woman, child was placed in a pandemic lottery by this aberrant human being, and we have now lost nearly 200,000 people. We are forecast to lose another 200,000 by the end of the holidays. Our economy is trashed. Millions are still out of work. Evictions are in full swing. Food pantries cannot keep up with demand.

How do you reconcile his behavior? How do you reconcile YOURS? If this doesn’t get it through your softcooked egg of a head, then you deserve whatever else befalls you because of your blind loyalty to this beast.

His defense now? He didn’t want to cause a panic. This fuckwit who uses imaginary caravans to gin up the fear in his base, who daily calls entire cities hellscapes to keep people afraid, who warns that Biden will destroy the suburbs, who spoke of planes filled with black outfitted thugs — didn’t want to cause a panic.

Bull and shit.

I sit here absolutely enraged. FEBRUARY 7. On February 28 he was in a crammed rally in South Carolina telling people it was a hoax. I boarded a plane with my husband on MARCH 13 for a vacation because there was no national messaging telling us what was spreading through this country, that it was so easily transmissible, that it was so very dangerous. All we had, and still have, is a consummate liar who never once told us the truth until now, SEPTEMBER 9th. And he is only telling us now because that amber ass cancer was recorded and the tapes are being played.

And before it gets lost in the noise — Bob Woodward obviously knew way back then, and he withheld these tapes for more book bang. I do not care how great a journalist he is, how much of a scoop was Watergate, he is culpable in all of these deaths as well. He is a part of the coverup called COVIDgate. As are any editors, publishers, and assistants who heard these tapes, read the transcripts, set the type at any time in the past seven months. Anyone who knew Trump knew, yet let this entire country fill stadiums with our dead is an accomplice.

Where are you Right To Lifers screaming about his obvious lack of concern for your lives? For the lives of your children, your aging parents?

How about you wetbrains who still run around without a mask crying “HOAX!”? Have anything to say now? This is not hearsay. This is Trump, his words, his knowledge, his voice. One can only wonder what Herman Cain has to say. Oh wait, he’s dead, too.

“It’s even more deadly than your strenuous flus.”

How many times did he stand at a podium and tell us all that COVID was no worse than the yearly flu? How many of you still parrot that complete line of horseshit?

I am flabbergasted to factor this in, knowing what we have seen take place over the past 7 months, over Memorial Day weekend when we were hitting 100,000 dead and people were partying in droves, over 4th of July, as he has started holding rallies again, as Republican governors like DeSantis and Ducey have thrown open their states without care, as Sturgis is now responsible for upwards of 250,000 cases nationwide, as schools and colleges open and close back down with students testing positive at alarming rates. And this past weekend as people flocked together for Labor Day festivities.

How many of you still throw a shit fit over being required to wear a mask into a grocery store? Screaming about your freedumb, your rights? Seems your jaundiced Jim Jones has been playing pretty fast and loose with your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, huh? You think he hasn’t watched as you imbeciles have your public meltdowns? Think he hasn’t gotten a LIBERATE ME boner as you have hauled your ignorance and your guns to state capitals?

You are chaff, not wheat, dear MAGAts. You are what you have always been: EXPENDABLE. And you now have rock solid proof that your emperor is not only naked, but happily sitting back watching you and your loved ones get sick and die. This empathy famine is probably wacking off to the daily death toll.

I sit here thinking about friends who have contracted coronavirus — they had it back in March, because they, too, traveled without care when they could have been completely informed by our government. He almost died. Neither of them is 100% still. Donating their blood plasma, they still watched as someone they knew died after 40 days on a ventilator. These are not people in their 80s with a laundry list of co-morbidities. These are healthy, active adults who were felled like saplings by this virus.

I keep flashing to the pictures of refrigerated trucks outside hospitals and morgues. The trenches being dug as mass graves in New York. Doctors and nurses begging the public to pay attention, take it seriously. Story after story of loved ones dying alone in ICUs, denied a last hand hold, a last goodbye. The dead denied a true funeral. They just vanished.

Because this country has the most incompetent, inept, evil incarnate succubus at its helm.

He must be removed. He must be held accountable. Congress and the Senate must show they stand for us now, or this will be the final proof that they stand for nothing. If our very lives do not matter to them, we are lost.



Every single one of you who still lines up after today to prop up this murderous thug can fuck off for all eternity. You are as inhuman as is he. And nothing you ever do will make up for what you attached yourselves to simply because he let you say the worst things you think out loud.

We were all left to die.



Linda Sharp
Linda Sharp

Written by Linda Sharp

Author, columnist, blogger. Don’t Get Me Started and Transparent Trans Parent blogs

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