Wasting Away Again In MAGAritaville
It’s been 24 hours since the world heard Trump tell Bob Woodward that COVID was deadly, easily transmissible, and so much worse than even the most “strenuous flu.” 24 hours since we learned with absolute certainty that he and his minions knew earlier than February 7 when Woodward taped that interview segment. 24 hours in which white hot rage has set in, disbelief still leaves the mouth of decent society hanging open, and thoughts of how many people did not have to die causing an actual feeling of pain in the chest.
It’s also been 24 hours in which the GOP has coalesced around several talking points.
From the Empathy Black Hole himself — he held back the information from the public so there would not be a panic. Oh, and it’s Bob Woodward’s fault since he had the tapes for so long.
From the empty talking heads at FOX — it’s Lindsey Graham’s fault he even had those interviews.
From the leechy likes of Jim Jordan — this whole thing is just Democrats “coming after him” because Trump is “fighting for us.”
From knobs like Representative John Kennedy — “These gotcha books don’t really interest me that much.”
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA): These gotcha books don’t really interest me that much.
CNN’s Pamela Brown: He’s on the record. He’s on the record.
Kennedy: These gotcha books don’t really interest me that much.
Brown: He did 18 interviews with Bob Woodward … He’s recorded. pic.twitter.com/GGuAZkw4KO
— The Recount (@therecount) September 9, 2020
And based on reporting from Bullshit Mountain in the heart of MAGAritaville, his cultists are lapping it all up. Anything to avoid the hard truth — that they were just as much given up for dead by their god as were libruls.
I lay awake last night thinking about all the people who have died because of this virus. By conservative estimates, had a national testing strategy and national mask mandate been implemented months ago, 130,000 of them would still be alive. Countless others who contracted it and survived would not be facing a life time of COVID hangover as it has left them compromised forever.
I went back over what we now know about this timeline, how he played games with PPE, withholding it from states who governors “were not nice” to him. Jesus Christ — he literally mocked New York’s need for ventilators when that city was under siege by COVID.
I thought about the children who have died. As of available statistics August 10, 1044 have been so sick they have been in ICUs, 104 children have died. The youngest a newborn baby.
Sure, there are millions of children in this country. But the 104 who have perished — is that truly a gamble you are willing to take with your children? Over half a million children have contracted it — that is 680 per every 100,000 children in this country. In the past two weeks alone there has been a 16% increase in positive cases in children nationally. That owes to schools reopening, and six teachers have died so far.
Honestly, 195,590 people dead as of this morning — do you MAGAts not feel anything about being lied to? About not having accurate information given to this country?
It’s an honest, serious question. I lay awake for hours thinking about everything I did from February to the end of March. I traveled on planes, I stayed in hotels, I was in crowds, I was around my elderly parents. All choices I would have made differently if I had accurate information, warnings, experts’ advice on steps to take — like not traveling on planes, being in crowds, hotels, around my parents.
Your Tang hued hero knew all the risks, the level of danger, the seriousness of what was already in this country, yet he invited you to his rallies and you went, cheering him on as he called this a hoax. As he repeatedly said it was no worse than the flu. As he scoffed at those urging caution. As he mocked people who wore masks. As he wished it away in front of you.
Christ, again, it’s an honest question here. I know in that nearly 200,000 body count, there are conservatives, GOPers, MAGAts. You have lost someone you love. You have known someone — a friend, a relative, a coworker who has contracted this and had it gone badly. With over 6,559,000 positives cases, there is no way you have not. Can you honestly say that if Trump had gone on national TV and was honest about everything — the severity, the transmission capability, the need to come together, the need for sacrifice by all of us, the need to mask up — would you not have altered your behavior over the past seven months?
If he had taken it seriously, you know damned well YOU would have taken it seriously. If he had issued a nationwide mask mandate, your face would be covered with all manner of flags and Trump logo-ed masks. YOU would be screaming at anyone not wearing one about their lack of patriotism, about how selfish they are.
But because he chose to hide the truth, lie to your faces, and play it off as no big deal, we are still losing over 1,000 people per day. 590 out of every million in this country now dead.
As I said up above, 195,590 people are dead. Worldwide the death count is 909,570 people. Since yesterday, the world tally has added 4,208 people. We account for 1,176 of them. 28% of all global deaths in the past 24 hours owe to the United States being completely disjointed, horribly mismanaged, and helmed by a leader so willfully ignorant and capricious with our lives that 1,000 people leave daily and he says NOTHING.
Nearly 200,000 people are dead. YOU bleated like sheep for years now about Benghazi. There were 33 investigations and hearings. Hillary sat for 11 hours and was questioned. Do you honestly believe that Trump, now heard in his own voice saying he knew the risks of COVID, does not deserve to be called in front of Congress and questioned? Are you that soaked in his Kool Aid of lies? That averse to admitting this man just might not be a healthy choice for this nation? Is your love of librul tears so strong that you are willing to look past him playing fast and loose with your lives, the lives of every person you love?
Those talking points up above? As much bullshit as everything else the GOP spews. Trump did not want to cause panic? Give me a fucking break. All he does is gin up fear. Run down the laundry list of things you are constantly warned about — hellscapes, thugs on airplanes, Black people taking over your precious suburbs, mysterious caravans from across the border. He keeps you in a constant state of panic.
And as for this being Bob Woodward’s fault? As I stated yesterday, he does not get a pass here. Yes, he had these tapes and knew the seriousness of COVID back in February and sat on them as tens of thousands of people perished, but that does not make it not Trump’s fault.
So Lindsey Graham arranged the interviews with Woodward. And? Does that make the recordings not accurate? Sorry, kids, he is on tape — his voice, his thoughts, his words.
And Jim Jordan can fuck all the way off. Holding him responsible for his own choices, his own lies, his own deeds that led to mass death in this country? Change this scenario and put President Obama in charge, his voice on the tapes — you would have set the White House on fire by now and you know it.
MAGAritaville is landlocked, we know that. No rivers of knowledge run through it. No ocean of facts, decency, reality threaten its borders. And in the shadow of Bullshit Mountain, you still think Mexico is paying for a wall, you ignore that he knew Russia put bounties on our troops’ heads. You have allowed Qanon to set up shop in your city, spreading tales of porn rings headed up by Tom Hanks. But come the fuck on. How important to you is your racism, your hatred of others, your love of conspiracy theories, your need to be constantly riled up and blaming others for your lot in life?
Lost your job? TRUMP. Contracted COVID? TRUMP. Lost a loved one? TRUMP. Having to homeschool your child? TRUMP. Being evicted? TRUMP. Kids going hungry? TRUMP. Unemployment run out? TRUMP. Health insurance gone with your job? TRUMP.
Every fucking thing that has gone wrong since February leads right back to his complete abdication of his most important responsibility as president — protecting the citizens of this nation. In fact, in his final interview with Bob Woodward on July 21, he said of this virus (when the death count was 144,815), “The virus has nothing to do with me. It’s not my fault.”
You have religiously looked past every single thing he has done wrong. You excuse all of it away — the sexual assault allegations, the tampering with the mail, the installing swamp creature after swamp creature, lining his own pockets, using unsecured phones and email servers, one after another of his inner circle going to prison, his calling dead soldiers “losers” and “suckers”, the DOJ being used to defend him against a rape allegation, tear gassing citizens, him cozying up to Putin, Kim Jong Un and Mohammed bin Salam, the 20,000+ lies he has told, the endless golfing at your expense… the list goes on and on. You hold him accountable for nothing.
And now, when you hear him in his own voice, in an interview he willfully gave — no one tricked him — you still want to defend him against such unconscionable behavior that led to nearly 200,000 deaths? Where is this love of country, this patriotism you are always shrieking about? Does that flag strapped to the back of your pickup mean nothing to you?
This pandemic is not under control, it is not going away, and every expert has warned us to prepare for another explosion in a few weeks. Conservatively, another 200,000 of us will not make it to Christmas day. Seriously — THERE’S YOUR WAR ON CHRISTMAS. Courtesy of Donald J. Trump. Red Starbucks cups, transgender people peeing in a public bathroom, and clerks telling you Happy Holidays are not the enemy.
The enemy is within the walls of MAGAritaville. If only you were the only ones who are wasting away.
Wastin’ away again in MAGAritaville
Searchin’ for your lost semblance of heart
You now know by name, that Donald Trump is to blame
You all know, it’s his own damn fault
Stop protecting him.